Integrity - Do the RIGHT thing, even when no one is watching..

To be a man of integrity is tough enough in today's world...

As you all can see this paper cutting goes back to April 2011, however its importance does not decrease even by 0.01%. This paper cutting discusses about attitude shown by Sachin Tendulkar, Ricky Pointing and Adam Gilchrist in different situations during their career.

“Indeed, the most difficult time to be HONEST is when nobody is watching or when nobody would know any better. True test of CHARACTER is when you are naked with yourself and you refuse to compromise under any circumstances.”

There is also a small story about a sculptor who creates a beautiful idol after putting aside the idol in final stage. WHY?

I believe, we need to be honest with ourselves in whatever we do; we can anytime give excuse to our parents, family, friends, employer however we ourselves know that we haven’t given our 100% to it and hence result is also not as expected.

As a student, sometime it happens, we don’t work hard enough and when results are out, we put it on question paper or teacher who had reviewed it however its not correct.

Another instance as an employee, I have realized that we don’t give our 100% dedication to our work, there could be lot of reasons to it, primarily spending lot of time on social media. At the end of day, we have to sit extra to finish these pending tasks and we blame company policies, our team lead or dear project manager for assigning lot of work. Again, if we had work dedicatedly there was no point of putting those extra hours and could be more productive for the company.

Lastly, I believe we need to cultivate this attitude into ourselves to make us a better person.

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